We just got an update today on Seifu and his court date. He is doing really well and is feeling better. The agency worker in Ethiopia submitted his court documents to court today. Now it's just waiting for a court date from the Ethiopian court system. We are getting very close. Seifu looks really good and they say that he is feeling well so this is great news. He has been having English tutor lessons about 3 times a week so his English is coming along. We got a video of him speaking English during one of his lessons and he has the softest, sweetest little voice.
Denver turned 3 last month and we had a "Lellow (Yellow) birthday party" for him...per his request. I still can't believe he is 3 but he talks like a little man and likes to boss me around so I guess it's not that hard to believe :) He really is alot of fun and keeps me laughing all the time. He is so excited about getting a BIG brother! He loves showing off Seifu's bunkbed to everyone that comes over.
The Valentine Sugar cookie fundraiser went great...all together we raised over $1,400 and I made 52 dozen cookies. That's alot of cookies. I still can't believe that we sold that many, it was a huge blessing. I couldn't have done it with out all the help of my family, my mom was right in there with me baking and decorating. Grant, my mother in law and my dad each had there turn helping keep Denver entertained and out of the house so his little fingers didn't end up in the icing. We are so very blessed to have such a great support from family and friends. I would post a pic of some of the sugar cookies but believe it or not I did not take one single picture of any. I was so sick of seeing them that I couldn't even muster up the strength to take a picture...I know I'm pathetic.
Some might ask how long it took to make 52 dozen sugar cookies....this is a rough estimate b/c I'm not good at keeping track of the details but I would say altogether it took about 30-40 hours with 2 people working.
COMING SOON.... our next fundraiser is going to be called "Scarves for Seifu". My mom and another sweet lady from church have knitted and crotchet several scarves that they donated for us to sell on our blog. My hope is to get pics of all the scarves posted later today or tomorrow so come back soon to check them out. They are beautiful and I have had to resist putting one on everyday. I love me some scarves.
Many blessings....Vanessa