Monday, December 26, 2011

Project Santa CAUSE Cookie Update

I just wanted to give everyone an update on how well our 1st Project Santa Cause went.  Drum roll please...............we raised $1,000 for these women in Ethiopia!!!  I was supershocked that we sold this many cookies but so amazed that we were able to support 2 women with this money.  I want to thank everyone for spreading the word about this fundraiser and all of those who helped by buying cookies.  This project would not have been successful without you!  Also I want to thank my mom, who helped me for countless hours making and sprinkling the cookies, and Grant who was on kitchen clean up duty and in charge of making sure Denver stayed out of the kitchen.  I think he had the hardest task of all.   For those who are interested in the breakdown of everything, here it is. 

We sold 37 dozen which boils down to about:

Well over 24 hours but I stopped counting (no, this is not all at once.  I require about 9 hrs of sleep)
17 eggs
22 sticks of butter
17 lbs of flour
7 lbs of sugar
12 lbs of icing
I didn't keep track of spinkle amounts or flavoring. 

Thank you, Thank you and Thank you!!!

I will leave you with some pics of the cookies.

Hope you all had a very blessed and merry Christmas.  Wishing you a wonderful new year!!!

Much Love

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cookie Reminder

First of all I hope that everyone had a very blessed Thanksgiving, we sure did.  It's always so much fun to spend time with family.  We definitely missed those that we didn't get to see.  

Just wanted to remind everyone about Project Santa Cause. If you have no clue what I am talking about you can click on this link "Christmas Cookies for a Cause" and it will take you to my previous post. The last day to order will be December 9th. So far I have made 400 cookies...but I can make more if I need to;) Here are some pics of the mess I made on Saturday making 33 dozen cookies.

There was flour all over the place

This doesn't look like much b/c we were able to get 400 cookies into 6 containers. 
As I was pounding and rolling out the dough I was getting tired and my back started to hurt but the thought of these women battling HIV was what kept me cheerful.  To think that we are going to help support them by selling sugar cookies is what made it sooooo worth it.  We are so very grateful at how blessed we are that we must always be trying to bless others.  Christmas to me is not about buying kids a ton of gifts, or getting presents myself, but a time that we can give to others.  It saddens me to think that Christmas is becoming more and more commercialized.  Honestly what do we need that we don't already have...I know I have much more than I ever need.  Seeing kids rip through so many presents that they don't even know what they got, or even who it came from makes me so sad.  I know, I know I'm on my soapbox but now that I'm a mom and I'm trying to raise a child to be Christlike I really think about these things more than I used to...and I've always thought this way so it's becoming stronger than ever. 

Thanks to Grant for taking Denver to visit his Mimi and Grandad so I wouldn't have to worry about little fingers getting burned by hot baking sheets.  Also thanks to my mom for helping me, I couldn't have done it without you...well I probably could have but it would have taken 14 hours instead of thank you, thank you, thank you.  Plus we were rocking out to Christmas music together so that made the time go by super fast.    God bless you all!!! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Project Santa “CAUSE”

Christmas Cookies for a Cause

This Christmas season our family has decided to give to those in need and raise funds for a cause that is very near to our hearts.  We are raising money for the Bete-Se`ida's project” which helps support women in Ethiopia who are HIV+.  Our adoption agency, Illien Adoptions International, Inc., is one of the organizations who have committed to invest in the well-being of HIV+ women, many of them mothers with children.  We have chosen to support this cause because it is very likely that Denver’s biological mother was HIV+.

How can you help???

I will be selling decorated “homemade” Christmas

sugar cookies to raise money.  Very yummy and great for

Christmas gifts…that is if you don’t eat them before

you have a chance to gift them.  Feel free to pass this information along to

 anyone you think might be interested.

Cost is $25 for 1 dozen

If you are interested in ordering please let me know by Friday, December 9th.  You can leave me a comment and I will get in touch with you. 
Pickup/delivery will probably be on  December 16th and 17th. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Long time, No blog

Sorry for the long break in posting...I don't have any good excuses so let's just jump on into the details.  Life has been absolutely wonderful, in fact so much that I can't even remember what has happened since the last post.  I will try my best to recall all of the exciting events but I make no promises to get them all right. 

We had a good fall break in Branson with my family from Kentucky.  We got to spend time with my aunt and uncle and their wonderful kids.  Denver had a ball with them and loved all of the one on one attention.  My uncle was the one that went with Grant to Ethiopia and we weren't sure if Denver would rememeber him but he did.  He really took to him in a way that he doesn't ususally do with people.  That was very exciting to see. 

My gramps got to stay with us for a week before he moved in with my aunt and uncle in Houston and it was fun to see the interaction between Denver and him.  They are both very stubborn so the staring contests were so fun to watch.  It's funny how a 87 year old and a 1 year old can butt heads but they did.  I will say they did enjoy one anothers company but you can tell they are both used to getting their own way.

Halloween and trick or treating were a blast. I wasn't sure how Denver would do but he was a rock star. He didn't get scared of anything and he thouroughly enjoyed knocking on people's doors and saying trick or treat...and bye bye about 10 times per door. Needless to say we didn't go very far but he was so cute that he ended up getting his fair share of candy. Good thing his mama likes chocolate. Grant had to take the candy to work with him because I couldn't stop. I was seriously out of control and I was bribing Denver way to much with candy. He also enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch with his buddy Jackson, they had a great time together.
Now I will be quiet and post some pics because I know that's what most people care about anyways.

**Be watching the blog in the next couple of days because I have something exciting to post about!!!
No we are not adopting another kid yet but I am hosting a sugar cookie sale for a great cause so come back to check out the details. 

A recent pic of Denver so you can see how big he is getting

Family picture
Denver with all of his Morgan family cousins

Denver with his "Kentucky" cousins.  We were the  most multicultural family in was so fun to see all of the people trying to figure out what kid went with who. 

Gramps with his "little black Philly"

Denver's trip to the pumpkin patch

Denver and his buddy Jackson

Lion doing a funny face

Roaring scary

Lion cracking up at himself

2nd lion costume of the night...if you dress up in different costumes you can go around twice and get more candy.  Just kidding, we didn't do that, although I would've been more tempted if we had another costume besides another lion.  Grants mom made the 1st lion costume when her 1st grandson was 1 and he just turned 11.  The 2nd costume was one that Jackson wore when he was little. 

*I have a disclaimer to make that the professional pics were taken by Amanda Carrie of AMC Photo and any of the other good photos were taken by my good friend Rhianon who is an awesome photographer.  The bad quality photos were taken by none others than yours truly. 
I have never claimed to be good at taking pictures.

God bless you all!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Birthday Party, Vacation & School

There has been alot going on the last couple of weeks.  First of all we went down to Texas for my niece's 2nd birthday party.  This was the first time that Denver and my brother and his family have seen eachother in person...needless to say he loved them all.  Lilly and Denver really enjoyed playing together and Denver just took to my brother instantly.  He even cried when it was time to go and he had to come back to mommy.  It was a great time of celebration and family. 
From there my mom, Denver and I continued onto Canton, Texas for the Canton Trade days.  There we met up with my Aunt and 2 cousins.  If you have not been to the Canton Trade days and don't live to far away I highly recommend it.  We had a great time enjoying each others company, we went swimming in freezing cold water and we ate a ton of food.  I love to watch Denver interract with all of our family, he loves getting to spend time with all of them.
Lastly, Denver started Mother's Day out this week.  We call it "school" because it's easierfor him to say .  He only goes 2 days a week and seems to be loving it.  He has a great teacher and gets to play with lots of toys and other little kiddos...what could be more fun than that.  While he is there I started back to work a little bit, which has been nice to have some adult interraction.
So thess past couple of weeks have been a little busy but Denver is doing great with everything.
God bless you all!!!
I made Grant stop so Denver could take a picture in front of the big Texas

Lilly and Denver sitting on the back of Uncle Richard's firetruck

We stayed at the same hotel as nana and papa and Denver loved being able to go next door and knock.

Four generations:  It was great that we could all be there for the party and gramps could see his great grandkids.

Denver with his Uncle Richard

We stopped at a children's park in Tyler to take some pics.

Denver with his nana and Auntie "T"

Alex, Denver, Becky  and I on top of a giant bear statue at the park. 
We had a great time taking pictures.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Denver's Surgery!

Denver had a small procedure done yesterday and he is doing wonderful but I wanted to post some pics of him in his adorable hospital gown. Here they are...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Naptime Update!

I've got to make this quick because Denver is taking a nap and I may not have very long:)  I have been meaning to post for along time but everytime I sit down I get sidetracked...I'm a little ADD.  Anyways life has been great, Denver is doing so awesome.  Everyday he learns something new, whether it's a new word or new dance moves...thanks to me, I've got the dance moves in the family (just kidding).  He has learned how to pray so now one of his favorite things to do before we eat or during worship is put his hands together and say "Amen".  He is talking so much now it is a little crazy.  We had his 18 month check up a couple of weeks ago and the doctor said he is doing very well.  He did say he thinks he is going to be petite but who knows he might decide to grow one of these days. 
We have had the opportunity to meet with several other families that have children from Ethiopia and that was a blessing for us.  Luckily we have a wonderful Ethiopian restaurant in town called "Queen of Sheba" where families get together.  It is fabulous and the owner Mimi is so sweet.  The food is really good, although it did take me a couple of times to get used to it, but now I'm hooked.  If you live in the OKC area you should try it out.
Denver has had several play dates with some of my friends kids and some new friends.  It is so good for us to get out and around other kids, and for mama to get around other adults.  This summer has been filled with fun, friends and swimming...oh I almost forgot and 100+ degree weather.    
I do want to update on my sister in law's dad who had a major heart surgery a couple of weeks ago.  He made it through the surgery great and is at home now but please continue praying for him.  He has just gone through a massive life change and isn't able to do near as much as before. 
Also don't forget about the people in the Horn of Africa, they are still experiencing drought and famine.  So many have died and many others are suffering.  If you would like to help with this you can donate at the link below.
Denver and some buddies on our trip to Wichita to spend time with our friends.
It was so fun!

Denver and some buddies playing at Chick-fil-a

Denver at my parents house trying to run nude in the backyard. 
He got away while I was trying to dry him off after swimming.
 God bless you all!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Urgent prayers needed!!!

Please pray for my sister in law Jen's father. He is at St. John's hospital having a major emergency surgery to repair his aorta. This is a very serious surgery and I ask that you all will keep him and his family in your prayers. God bless!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How you can help save lives...

If you follow our blog you have probably already read a little about the famine in Ethiopia, Somalia & Kenya.  It is estimated that around 12 million people are affected by this.  This is a very serious and life threatening situation for many.  This really hits home with us because if Denver was still in Ethiopia he could be one of the many that are affected.  I want to ask that all of you continue to keep those affected by this horrible drought in your prayers.  I personally have no clue what it is like to be without food or water but right now there are so many who are literally dying from thirst and hunger.  
So why am I writing about this...because there is something that we can all do to help.  Please donate whatever you can to help save lives.  I found this organization, through another adoption blog, called A Glimmer of Hope
This is a wonderful and unique non profit organization because they guarantee that 100% of the donations will be used to improve the lives of those in need.  If you or I were in this horrible famine we would want others to do anything they could to help...that's what it truly means to love your neighbor.  I hope and pray that you will help.  God bless you all!!! 
Do it for them

Emergency Relief for Ethiopia | A Glimmer of Hope

Emergency Relief for Ethiopia A Glimmer of Hope

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekend Getaway!

This weekend we met up with Grant's family down by the Arbuckles.  We had a great time!  There were 7 kids and 8 adults so we were almost out numbered :)  Denver had a great time playing with his cousins.  We went swimming in Turner Falls and drove through Arbuckle Wilderness.  We almost got attacked by Emu's a few times...good thing for automatic car windows.  Emu's are one scary looking animal.  It was Denver's first trip and he did absolutely great.  He is taking to everyone so well. 
While we were there Grant's family threw Denver a 1st birthday party since he didn't get to have one.  He loved eating his cake and playing with all of his new toys.  It was alot of fun.  Here are some pics from the trip.  Hope you enjoy!  God bless you all!!!
Playing in the pool with sprinklers

Grandma Joy made the soccer
looked great and tasted wonderful.

Openning presents with the help of all the cousins

This cake is yummy!!!

Trying to kiss a donkey

It worked out perfectly that I got Denver to do his funny face at
 the same time an animal was coming up to the window. 

I just picture this donkey singing
"Hunka hunka burning love" to Grandad

All the cousins at Arbuckle...can you tell
it's hot and everyone is tired.

This is how you feed three 1 year olds at the same time

Chillin' in the pool with cousin Joslyn. 
She is so cute in her red polka dot bikini.

Kissing cousin Josie...okay so the pictures
 a little staged but it's so cute.

I love this picture of Grant and Denver with Grandma and Grandad

Taking a hike with Grandma Joy and Joslyn