Well thanks to some wonderful friends and family we have raised $2,000 so far for our trips to bring Seifu home. All of the items sold fairly quick and we had some wonderful people donate to us for Christmas...we are blessed beyond words. Thank you to all who have helped support our journey in bringing Seifu home.
We have gotten many new pictures and videos of Seifu...I wish so badly that I could show you his beautiful smile but unfortunately we aren't able to post any pics of him on a social site until we have passed court. Sooooo you will just have to keep waiting anxiously, sorry. But he is seriously so stinkin' precious and his smile will make you melt. We were blessed to get in touch with a family from Michigan that just travelled over to Ethiopia to visit their daughter that lives in the same orphanage as Seifu and they took a package over to Seifu for us. We sent him a photo book of our family, a Thunder t-shirt and a police motorcycle Lego set. They said he was so excited to receive them and was showing everyone the pictures of us. We saw a video of him playing soccer, talking a little about some of his favorite things and telling us that he loved us. It's so cute because he is calling Denver "Waqo", which was his Ethiopian name. The agency nurse who is working with Seifu was in love with Denver and she keeps calling Denver "Waqo" so now Seifu is too. We think it is really cute and Denver thinks it is so funny.
The latest report we received on Seifu was that he has not been feeling too well over the last week so they put him on antibiotics and were going to take him back to the clinic. We are hoping and praying it is just something mild but it's hard when we really don't know. Please keep him in your prayers that he will get to feeling better and that we can bring him home ASAP. We fingerprinted for USCIS last Tuesday and now we just have to wait for those to process. As soon as they are done they will send our dossier over to Ethiopia and from there it's just waiting on them to process our stuff and give us a court date. We are hoping that our first trip will be within the next couple of months. The second trip usually occurs 6-8 weeks after the first, so maybe we will have Seifu home by April-Junish time frame.
Let me try and catch you up on what's been going on over the past month and a half...In early December Grant and I took went on a mission trip to Honduras with a team of about 20 people. We originally had the trip planned for last June, before we knew that Seifu was meant to be ours, but Grant got a pretty bad virus and we weren't able to go. Thankfully the airlines gave us ticket vouchers that we could use for the December trip so that's when we went. Denver got to spend some quality time with grandparents and friends from church so he had a wonderful time while we were gone. Grant and I were both really blessed by the experience and grew so much in our love of Christ. We will definitely be returning to help the wonderful people in Honduras. While we were there we hosted a "Jesus Banquet" for the community that works at the dump in Tegucigalpa and fed over 1,800 people. We helped build a house for a family that was in desperate need for one and I did more manual labor than I have ever done. We were able to do much more but Grant reminded me not to make this too long so people would actually read it. Right after we got back Denver, my mom and I headed down to my cousin's wedding on 12/12/12. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed seeing our family. Denver became big buddies with his new cousin and keeps asking when he will get to hug Darren again.
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Denver just chillin with his hands in his pockets while he is supposed to be participating in the Christmas program. He did sing a duet with his best bud Walker |
Christmas was wonderful...we just spent time with family and it was very relaxing this year. Denver loved all his presents and was so excited to play with them. Christmas eve was spent in Cushing with the Morgan's and it was so fun just to get to relax and watch the kid's play together. Christmas morning Denver opened our presents to him and then we headed out to my parents house to spend the rest of the day. We had a great time lazing around, fattening up on food and watching Denver ride his new scooter that he got. The Friday after Christmas we headed down to Dallas to have Christmas with my brother and his family. We ate some more good food and watched the kids play. Our theme for Christmas was Fellowship and Family...I just made that up but it sounded good.
I have decided to continue on with the fundraising for our trips by selling Valentine sugar cookies. They will be like that Christmas cookies I made in 2011 except Valentine's themed. They will be
$25 per dozen and each dozen will come in a pretty Valentine's box. These are the perfect gift for someone you love....or if you're stingy you can just eat them all yourself, I won't tell. I will deliver them to you before Valentine's Day. If you are interested in ordering just let me know by February 4th. You can leave me a comment here or email me at vanessa.morgan2012@gmail.com
Hope I didn't overload you with all of the details of our lives but I promise I left some out.
Many blessings to you all!!!
denver is adorable. love all the pics. hope to see you at Queen of Sheba sometime!